smart train to american recovery
A Campaign To Provide Career Advisory And Training Services To 25,000 Individuals Facing Barriers to Employment.
Free Consultation
Certification Courses of Study
State and Local Government Agencies in KP Network
of the 100 largest school districts partner with KP
Is It Really Free ?
Free Counseling: Kinetic Potential has a goal to provide free career advisory services and trainings to 25,000 individuals in the United States.
Free Training and Job Placement: Kinetic Potential is not just a career counselor. We work with school districts, workforce development boards, department of disability administrations, and vocational rehabilitation agencies throughout the United States as a Certified Provider of Workforce Development Services. Funding is available through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) or Medicaid. In order to qualify for a government-funded training program you must meet the eligibility criteria. Speak to one of our STAR navigators today to get more information and to assess your eligibility for available funding opportunities.
Kinetic Potential recognizes the impact to employment outcomes when the inconsistency of - and challenges to - accessing services are removed. With the collaboration between vocational rehabilitation agencies and employers, Kinetic Potential brings the support of WIOA to our disabled citizens by providing pre-employment transition services where individuals can gain work-based learning experiences, job exploration and training.
Our STAR Navigators can help people with disability overcome barriers to employment. We will provide you with Supportive Training Services to obtain or retain employment which will lead to economic self-sufficiency and wage improvement.
At the heart of our STAR Initiative are dislocated workers. If you were laid off from work as a result of general economic conditions and unsure when or if you will be able to return, you may qualify for WIOA services as a "dislocated worker". Many individuals in the hospitality, retail and restaurant industries were displaced from employment as a result of COVID-19
KP is here to help those impacted transition to an in-demand career. We provide you with career advising services and occupational certification courses to help you obtain or retain employment.
Bravery, self-sacrifice, and fortitude to serve are just a few of the key components of success in our Armed Forces. Displaced services members are supported in a number of ways, including veteran-related support included within WIOA to provide them with a host of employment assistance opportunities. The law sets aside funds for those who served, empowering them to access multiple programs and activities. WIOA also encompasses the needs for veteran representation on state and local workforce boards.
Our STAR Navigators can help you overcome barriers by providing career counseling and training opportunities that can get you employed.
Unemployment runs high for youth in certain communities. Many of our nation’s youth have neither high school diplomas, nor postsecondary credentials. Kinetic Potential knows this should not be a barrier to success. We believe #EveryoneCanGoPro. WIOA programs are available to give our unemployed youth a chance to attain high-quality career exploration and guidance services . They are provided support, educational attainment, and training, culminating with a good job which, importantly, gets them onto a career path, not just the next paycheck. Individuals eligible for this are 14-24 years of age that are facing barriers to employment or school completion.
Kinetic Potential believes our youth are our future and deserve a chance to start off their career on the right foot. Our STAR Navigators can help you overcome barriers by providing career counseling, education, training opportunities and job placement/employment. We don’t just guide or train the youth...if they have a passion to succeed and complete our training programs, we also hire them.
There’s no reason to list the number of barriers some single mothers are overcoming. We know it can be challenging. At Kinetic Potential we also believe this is exactly the strength that can help single moms (and dads...we know you’re out there sluggin’!) to overcome those challenges. Sometimes single parents in lower-income communities may need a little more education to get a better paying job. Sometimes it’s training or retraining in new skills. Whatever the need, there ARE paths to gaining more opportunities and moving up the economic ladder! Whether it’s finding help to manage finances or paying for child care, or other needed assistance, the WIOA program allows our hard-working single parents the chance to obtain the education and training needed to secure better jobs and economic security. Taking advantage of this will make you more confident in yourself, and it’ll provide the step up you need to support your family.
Kinetic Potential believes single mothers deserve to be economically self-sufficient in order to provide for their children. Our STAR Navigators help single moms and dads overcome barriers to employment by providing career counseling, education, and training services to obtain or retain employment which will lead to economic self-sufficiency or wage.
Low-income doesn’t and shouldn’t mean low-potential. Often the barriers faced in low-income communities are historically unfair, but individuals from these communities can and should take advantage of the opportunities offered to overcome the challenges and barriers put in front of them. This leads to exiting the cycle of low-income, and stepping up to better education or better employment. That’s an important note...this is not a hand-out, but rather a helping hand-up. The WIOA program encourages employers - and provides individuals in this situation - a chance to break the cycle. It is structured to focus on the employment needs of lower-income communities, with strategies to meet those needs.
Kinetic Potential believes everyone deserves a chance to be economically self-sufficient. Our STAR Navigators help low-income individuals in overcoming barriers to employment. They will provide you with training services to obtain or retain employment which will lead to economic self-sufficiency or wage.
WIOA is structured to embrace our national diversity, focusing on support of minorities with employment and training programs. Support comes in a variety of ways, developing the occupational, academic, and literacy skills needed to move up. Being from a certain part of society doesn’t have to mean being disadvantaged in the workplace. The hussle, drive, and entrepreneurial skills it takes to make ends meet in underprivileged communities...those are exactly the skills that can and should lead to success anywhere. Kinetic Potential recognizes that talent, and recognizes the opportunity WIOA can offer someone from an underprivileged background.
Kinetic Potential believes everyone deserves a chance to be economically self-sufficient and promotes the idea of a diverse work culture. Our STAR Navigators help minorities in overcoming barriers to employment. They will provide you with training services to obtain or retain employment which will lead to economic self-sufficiency or wage.
Foster care youth often face particularly difficult situations, including emotional challenges, instability, and trauma. They are either living in a foster family, in the custody of the child welfare system, running away or aging out of foster care, or most likely homeless. Less than 10% of foster youth graduate from college. As such, we are clear that our foster youth need guidance and emotional support in order to help them become ready for college and career.
Kinetic Potential believes in our foster care youth, and are ready to help get things on track. Our STAR Navigators will help you overcome barriers by providing career counseling, education, training opportunities and job placement/employment. We don’t just guide or train...if they have a passion to succeed and complete our training programs, we also hire them.
Apprenticeships offer workers a paycheck while they are learning new skills and acquire credentials. It’s “earning while learning” (not a bad deal, we think). If you are in an apprenticeship program then you are eligible for the training.
Long-Term Unemployed
It can be particularly disheartening when long-term unemployment stands as a barrier to becoming employed. There’s a perverse irony to this situation. WIOA recognizes this difficult position, and puts the long-term unemployed as a priority population for employment and training services.
Senior Work Experience
Those who have been there, done that, seen it, and heard it...WIOA provides an opportunity for these 55 and older citizens. Those who are currently unemployed and need to update their skills with work-based training may be eligible for training upgrades needed to up their game, helping them develop new skills, providing them with up-to-date job counseling, and assistance in finding and keeping a job.
Immigrants are well-positioned to meet the requirements of the WIOA performance. Many immigrants settled in the United States need adult education and workforce training services. The WIOA program plays a critical role in supporting the upward mobility of immigrants in the workforce and their successful integration into the quality of life in the communities where they are settled.
What they said !
Grab time with a STAR Navigator
Our STAR Navigators are trained to help guide you through the process and put you on the path to success!