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Partner With Kinetic Potential


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The Kinetic Potential (KP) Network, established by the "Digital Network Group", is a membership network comprised of organizations from the government, academic, faith-based, nonprofit and corporate sectors, who share their knowledge and resources to develop human capital for the 21st century workforce. The shared mission is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of existing efforts by adopting a common framework for the implementation, governance and tracking of academic, social and professional development services. This standardization and integration of "Community Stakeholders" into a “Talent Supply Chain” maximizes capital and improves the ability to scale solutions for at-risk and under served populations.


Cybersecurity Talent Portfolio
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Project Information

KP’s Cybersecurity Apprentice program responds to the directive provided in Executive Orders (##, ##) placing astrategic focus on increasing the quantity and quality of America’s cybersecurity workforce.  This collaboration opportunity is designed to increase the supply of talent by providing occupational training and experiential learning opportunities to populations often underrepresented in technology. KP defines a collection of individuals that share common traits or characteristics as a “portfolio” withinour overall cybersecurity talent development fund.

  1. Veterans
  2. Women
  3. Minorities
  4. People with Disabilities

To increase the quality, KP developsbranded career pathways that place a deliberate focus onthe knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) required for careers in cybersecurity as evidenced by industry recognized certifications and experiential learning opportunities.KP’sCybersecurity Career Pathway is aligned to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Frameworkand Branded career paths are customizedwithKP Network Partnersallowing for maximum flexibility in the selection of content, program structure and target occupations. 

The Kinetic Potential CybersecurityCareerPathway targets the role of Cybersecurity Analyst / Consultant, a generalist found in every category of the NICE Framework with an average salary of $95,000.


Partners Role & Expectation


KP partners with Military Transition Programs, Workforce Development Agencies and other organizationsproviding career and transition support to individuals in our target demographics. KP continues to seek partnerships to identifya steadysupply of talent for our cybersecurityportfolios.



KP is aCertified Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)training provider and aHealth and Human Services Qualified Provider supporting vocational training, transition support and job placement.KP will lead the delivery of professional development activities and provide case management utilizing its Ascend Talent Management System (ATMS) to track progress against an established set of KSAs.Branded career paths may utilize partner content / curriculum, instructors, technology and / or facilities.



Employers are integral in facilitating real-life experiential learning opportunities on consulting engagements with federal, state and local government agencies (KP’s SBE, MBE*, DBE* and HUBZone* designations and access to talent with security clearance are often assets in government contracting). Employers enter into teaming agreements with KP, as prime or sub, on a specific scope of work that allows for a blended team of experienced professionals and apprentices.Employersand Consulting Engagement Customers are encouraged to consider KP Apprentices for full time employment.



Client services is the primary funding source for KP Apprentices; WIOA fundssubsidize the cost of development and provide tax incentives to encourage employer participation.



Individuals collaborate as talent scouts and instructors—talent scouts, as the name suggests, help support the identification of candidates (increase supply) and instructors are responsible for ensuring participants develop the KSAs required for Cybersecurity Analyst / Consultant .... Learn More


Supplemental Educational Services
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Project Information

The SES program is a federally mandated sanction for Title I schools performing below Annual Yearly Performance (AYP) Targets under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Legislation and requires school systems .  To provide low income students attending these schools to receive supplemental educational services from certified SES providers through the State Department of Education.  This program was sunset in 2016 with the enactment of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Partners Role & Expectation


The funds are directly tied to eligible students attending a selection of Title I schools.  Partner organizations are the schools themselves, faith based organizations and community centers that have eligible students



KP/DNG is a certified SES provider by 35 state departments of education and the District of Columbia.  The firm has signed contracts with over 500 school districts to provide SES services.  Seeking assistance in identifying eligible students for this resource



KP utilizes this funding to support the development of educators, project managers and technologists by providing experiential learning and professional development for school districts, government agencies and corporate organizations



Each state department of education receives a disbursement of funds from the US Dept of education to support this program.  The state departments of education then distributes to LEA's to spend with certified SES providers



Collegiate service organizations, fraternities and sororities that are committed to supporting youth often serve as mentors and tutors on KP's staff and are targeted for careers with our employer partners (i.e., school districts and government agencies) .... Learn More


Available States:

Target States:

Pre-Employment Transition Services
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Project Information (Free Course)

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) amends the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and now requires vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to set aside at least 15% of their federal funds to provide "pre-employment transition services" to "Students with Disabilities who are eligible or potentially eligible for VR services .” Required pre-employment transition services include the following:
•    Job exploration counseling
•    Work-based learning experiences, which may include in-school or after school opportunities, experiences outside of the traditional school setting, and/or internships
•    Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or postsecondary educational programs
•    Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living.
•    Instruction in self-advocacy

Partners Role & Expectation


Seeking partnerships with school districts, faith-based organizations and other youth serving organizations throughout the US that have eligible students for PRE-ETS services. Customers provide facilities, technology and support student enrollment.



KP is a qualified provider and delivers PRE-ETS programs to students with IEP/504 plans throughout the US. KP develops the curriculum and instructors as the prime or subcontractor to customers.



Seeking employers that are amenable to hiring individuals with special needs for internships, apprenticeships and fulltime employment. The program is customized to employer needs to prepare students for available opportunities.



Funding for PRE-ETS is through WIOA and generally administered by the Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS) or the Department of Disability Services (DDS)—programs are generally authorized via MOU for 3 year terms.



Participate as volunteers and staff to support program delivery. Also serve as program ambassadors to help market program and identify additional customers .... Learn More



Our definition of customers are the participants receiving talent development services; the "supply" of talent. Participants are sponsored by agencies that have oversight of at-risk populations and a mandate to prepare their constituency for independent living and a career in the 21st century workforce. Public schools systems, workforce agencies and juvenile justice departments are common partners and considered the "suppliers' of talent.


Educators and service providers deliver the value added steps required to advance participants through the talent pipeline. These entities are generally academic institutions, government agencies, npos and corporations.


Employers create workforce demand and specify the requirements that drive KP's Talent Portfolios. Our highly customized approach is designed to increase the supply and caliber of talent available to meet our employer partner's workforce needs. All organizations with a compensated workforce are classified as employers and benefit from an improved talent supply chain.

Funders/ Supporters

Funders and Supporters are institutions that share our commitment to developing students for the 21st century workforce. These organizations provide the financial capital that funds a participant's participation in talent development services. Employers, Foundations, Government Agencies and Social Impact Investors are common partners; the collaboration model improves the return on investment by distributing the cost of developing talent across multiple partners.


Citizens and organized groups that live and work in communities contribute as volunteers or program staff supporting talent development efforts. Community Service Organizations, Student Groups and Professional Associations are common partners.